Code Of Conduct
Parents Code of Conduct:
I agree to:
Be a parent/guardian/spectator of a child participating in the Windham Sports Club and agree that the first and foremost goal is for my child to have fun!
Understand that a responsible adult must remain present throughout practice and game time for all my children who are under 14.
Demonstrate through my words & actions that winning does not equate to success in youth sports. In doing so; I will always be positive and encouraging towards all players and will encourage others to:
Applaud the opposition as well as their own team.
Give encouragement to everyone to participate in soccer/baseball.
Respect the referee’s decisions.
Refrain going on the field unless invited by a coach.
Positive coaching the child from the sidelines during the game.
Keep in mind that the coaches & the administrators of this program volunteer their time to help my child. It’s tough to find coaches; my child’s coach has donated their time to support my child and the whole team. I understand that he or she may not have a strong knowledge of the game of soccer/baseball and may not have a lot of experience coaching a team but isn’t it wonderful they are willing to commit to the team and the organization the entire season! (I’ll remember that if I feel I could do better or make better in game decisions then I am welcome volunteer to be a coach
Help is always accepted and appreciated!)
Not argue with, publicly question, heckle, harass, antagonize, and disrespect Referees, Coaches/Assistants, players or Conveners during practice, game, and league functions or at any other time. Will not incite or participate in any unsportsmanlike conduct at any practice, game or other league function, including verbal abuse, physical assault or intimidation of any kind.
Not to use abusive or profane language at any practice, game or other league function. There are lots of little ones around within earshot, I will keep that in mind.
Abide by the rule that alcohol is prohibited everywhere in the park and cigarette use is prohibited near the fields of play and the playground equipment. The designated smoking area is near the front parking lot, away from areas where children are playing.
Understand that gross failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in warnings, removal of parent/guardian/spectator from the game or practice and/or removal of parent/guardian/spectator for the season.
If a parent/guardian or spectator has a concern and would like to speak to the coach, he or she must first contact the team’s convener. A parent can approach a convener or a member of the executive at any point. Please refrain from direct confrontations with coaches and/or referees, direct your concerns to a governing member of this organization. If there is a question or issue with how the league is being run/organized please chat with a convener, coaches are not involved in that part of the planning.
If necessary, after a 24hr hour waiting period, the convener will arrange a meeting between the parent/guardian, coach and convener. Members of the Board of the Windham Sports Club could become involved if necessary to help resolve issues.
Player Code of Conduct:
Come out to practice and games ready to play and ready to try while developing new skills and improving my game of soccer/baseball.
Respect my coach and listen/follow through on their instructions.
Respect and accept the calls of the Referee.
Not use inappropriate language or be intimidating or hurtful towards other players or teams. Avoid violence and rough play if possible and help injured opponents.
Follow the rules and spirit of the game and ask questions when I’m unsure.
Accept success and failure, victory and defeat as good learning experiences. Show good sportsmanship and treat teammates and opponents with respect always.
If an injury occurs on the field, take a knee and give space so coaches can safely help and remove the injured player from the field.
- Know that I will get support to get back on track from my coach and my parents. Not following these rules in a big way means I may not be able to play soccer/baseball here anymore. My parents and coach will talk about that if needed.
Coaches/Managers/Assistant Coaches/Conveners/Executive Code of Conduct
I will have submitted a current, cleared vulnerable sector police check (to be renewed every 3 years) prior to opening night.
I am committed to improving the performance of ALL the player both physically and mentally.
I will be enthusiastic and positive, generous with praise for all players on the field.
I will be part of providing a high-quality soccer/baseball program for ALL players with a positive environment/atmosphere. I will come to practice/games ready to encourage and support. I will support players to learn to be successful at soccer/baseball by following the rules of the game. I will attend training as well as read and be familiar with the coach’s handbook so I have a basic knowledge of the game of soccer/baseball and can support players during games.
I will respect ALL participants, including players, referees, assistant coaches, opponent coaches and assistants, conveners, parents, opponent’s parents and other spectators. This respect will be maintained off and on the pitch.
If I’m coaching and have a concern with the decisions or conduct of another coach, I will approach a convener or executive member rather than the other coach so we avoid a confrontation.
I will be conscious of my behavior in order to avoid being offensive, harassing or inappropriately suggestive towards others in my role as volunteer or paid member of this club.
As a convener or executive member, I will strive to remain in a mediation role when approached by parents, coaches or members of the public with concerns or issues. My personal view or opinion should be kept out of the dialogue and if that is not possible then I will make right choice to recuse myself from the situation so no personal bias towards one side or the other interferes with the outcome of the situation.
As an executive member I will uphold the constitution of the Windham & District Optimist Sports Club, its policies, procedures, mission and mandate etc.